Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Title: PETALH: Preconditioning scientific applications on pETascALe Heterogeneuous machines

  • Type: ANR

  • Grant: Cosinus 2010

  • Duration: September 2011 - May 2013

  • Coordinator: GRIGORI Laura (Inria Saclay-Île de France)

  • Other partners: Inria Saclay-Île de France (leader of the project), Paris 6, IFP (Rueil-Malmaison), CEA Saclay.

  • See also: http://petal.saclay.inria.fr/

  • Abstract: In this collaborative effort, we propose to develop parallel preconditioning techniques for the emergent hierarchical models of clusters of multi-core processors, as used for example in future petascale machines. The preconditioning techniques are based on recent progress obtained in combining the well known incomplete LU (ILU) factorization with tangential filtering.

    The track we are following in order to contribute to this goal is to investigate improved graph ordering techniques that would privilege the diagonal dominance of the matrices corresponding to the subdomains of the Schur complement. It amounts to integrating numerical values into the adjacency graph of the matrices, so that the importance of off-diagonal terms is taken into account when computing graph separators. The core of this work is planned to take place at the beginning of next year.

    This project is a continuation of PETAL project that was funded by ANR Cosinus 2008 call.

FUI Rodin

  • Title: Robust structural Optimization for Design in Industry (Rodin)

  • Type: FUI

  • Duration: July 2012 - July 2015

  • Coordinator: ALBERTELLI Marc (Renault)

  • Abstract: From the research point of view, the RODIN project will focus on: (1) extending level set methods to nonlinear mechanical or multiphysics models and to complex geometrical constraints, (2) developing algorithms for moving meshes with a possible change of topology, (3) adapting in a level-set framework second-order optimization algorithms having the ability of handling a large number of design variables and constraints.

    The project will last 3 years and will be supported by a consortium of 7 partners: (1) 2 significant end-users, Renault and EADS, who will provide use-cases reflecting industrial complexity; (2) 3 academics partners, CMAP, J.-L. Lions laboratory and Inria of Bordeaux, who will bring expertise in applied mathematics, structural optimization and mesh deformation; (3) A software editor, ESI Group, who will provide mechanical software package and will pave the way of an industrialization; (4) A SME, Eurodecision, specialized in large-scale optimization.


Participants : Dragan Amenga-Mbengoué, Damien Genet, Emeric Martin [ONERA] , Maxime Mogé [Cagire] , Vincent Perrier [Cagire] , Floren Renac [ONERA] , Francois Rué, Mario Ricchiuto.

Jointly with the team Bacchus and with ONERA, we participated in project Colargol, which aimed at comparing implementations and performances of high order finite elements methods implemented in our library Aerosol , and in the high order discontinuous Galerkin library Aghora developed at ONERA. For making fair comparisons with this library, we had to extend our library to three dimensions, and to finish the first parallel version of the code. Our first conclusions is the necessity of storing all geometrical terms of the finite elements methods (Jacobian, Jacobian matrices, etc...) for obtaining good performance. We are still running the comparison tests on the Mésocentre de Calcul Intensif Aquitain.